On Macintosh computers, "AVQM" complains about three missing files.
When the application "AVQM for Mac OS 9" or "AVQM for Mac OS X" is launched from the inserted CD-ROM, a dialog appears that asks to choose a file:
Where is "Macintosh HD:Users:bernd:Documents:Projects:AVQM:dxr:Shared.Cst"?
In the dialog, one can then choose the file "Shared.cxt" which is inside the folder "dxr"on the CD-ROM. After that, two other dialogs appear which can likewise be answered by choosing the appropriate files "dxr/scripts.cst" and "QTmovies/TitleQT.mov" on the CD-ROM. Then the application should run without further problems.
If you cancel the dialogs instead of choosing the appropriate files, then you get "Director Player error - Continue?" If you click yes, then the title animation gets screwed up, but after that, everything appears to be ok.
Short instructions for experts:
- Copy the content of the CD-ROM to a folder on your hard disk.
- Copy the files "Shared.cxt", "scripts.cxt" (in the "dxr"-folder) and "TitleQT.mov" (in QTMovies) to the top level of that folder (where the application "AVQM for Mac OS 9/X" resides. Note that the files are also needed in their original locations).
- Now you can start the application "AVQM for Mac OS 9/X" directly from your hard disk (which is good for performance anyway) or burn everything to a new CD-ROM.
Some remarks and detailed instructions:
- Copy the content of the CD-ROM to a folder on your hard disk. It is convenient to name this folder "AVQM".
- You'll need about 650 MB of free disk space
- The easiest way to copy the CD-ROM to you hard disk is to press the option-key (=alt-key) and to drag the icon of the CD-ROM with the mouse to the desired location.
- Place copies of the files "Shared.cxt", "scripts.cxt", and "TitleQT.mov" in the folder containing the stuff from the CD-ROM
- The files "Shared.cxt" and "scripts.cxt" can be found inside the folder "dxr".
- The file "TitleQT.mov" is inside the folder "QTmovies".
- Do not just drag these files out of their folders, Be sure to copy these files, because they are also needed in their original locations.
- The easiest way to copy files is option-drag with the mouse.
- Do not rename the files. They must be named exactly as described.
- In order to use "AVQM for Mac" from your hard-disk, the folder must now contain the following files and subfolders:
- AVQM for Mac OS X (or AVQM for Mac OS 9)
- scripts.cxt
- Shared.cxt
- TitleQT.mov
- playlist.txt
- Title.dxr
- dxr (folder, still containing scripts.cxt, and Shared.cxt)
- QTmovies (folder, still containing the file TitleQT.mov)
- XTras
- (The folders "Mathematica", "QGL", "QuantumGL 1.0" which are also on the CD-ROM contain additional stuff that is not needed for the application AVQM)
- You may finally burn everything back to a CD-ROM. Anyway, using AVQM directly from your hard disk is not a bad idea, because this gives you better performance.
If you need further assistance, please contanct me at
Affected version:
CD-ROM accompanying "Advanced Visual Quantum Mechanics", first printing 2005. Concerns only the Macintosh-versions of the player application. The Windows-version is not affected.
The player application (or rather the part containing the title animation) looks for some auxiliary files by absolute pathnames, where it is supposed to use relative pathnames. On Macintosh, these files can be found automatically only if they reside in the application's directory (and not in a subfolder).