Visual Quantum Mechanics

| Promo | Preface | Contents | Errata | Making | Hard & Software |

About the book:

Visual Quantum Mechanics

- Selected Topics with Computer Generated Animations of Quantum Mechanical Phenomena

  • Textbook with CD-ROM
  • Author: Bernd Thaller
  • Publisher: Springer-Verlag, TELOS (The Electronic Library Of Science)
  • Publication date: July 2000
  • ISBN 0-387-98929-3
  • Price: $69.90
  • 297 pages + 16 pages in full color. Hardcover. Includes CD-ROM
  • Springer-Verlag catalog: New York, Heidelberg
  • Catalog at

This book presents the quantum-mechanical formalism and its applications to spinless particles in one and two-dimensions. The CD-ROM contains about 320 QuickTime movies with visualizations of quantum mechanical phenomena (here are some examples). This CD-ROM won the European Academic Software Award 2000 with a special mention of outstanding innovation in its field.

Here is additional information about the textbook:

The following links tell you more about the accompanying CD-ROM:

Information about the software used to create the presentation:

  • Mathematica (for the movies)
  • QuickTime (for movie playback)
  • Macromedia Director (user-interface, multimedia framework for the presentation of the movies together with explanatory text)
  • Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop (image editing)
  • Textures (TeX) (text editing)
  • TeXShop and gwtex
  • QuantumGL (openGL-based visualization of higher-dimensional data)